NL74 Urbanistik und Regionalwissenschaften, Verkehrswesen Collection
Alternative Labels
- NL74 Urban and regional sciences
- 30-km/h speed limit
- Alltagsverkehr
- Altbausanierung
- Anthropogenes Lager
- Automobilität
- Bahnanlage
- Baubestand
- Baubrache
- Bauland
- Bebauung
- Berlin Mobility Act
- Bike-and-Ride
- Bus-Maut
- Busbahnhof
- Busverkehr
- Bürogebäude
- Dezentrale Konzentration
- Dorferneuerung
- Dorfkern
- Dorfstruktur
- EU-Verkehrspolitik
- Eisenbahntunnel
- Energetische Stadtsanierung
- Energieeffiziente Stadt
- Entfernungspauschale
- Erholungsfläche
- European Mobility Week
- Fahrradstraße
- Federal Transport Infrastructure Plan
- Flughafeninfrastruktur
- Fluglärmminderung
- Freizeit- und Erholungsnutzung
- Gebäudesanierung
- Gemeindestraße
- Geschäftshaus
- Guerilla Gardening
- HGV toll
- Hochbau
- Intermodaler Verkehr
- Kommunale Einrichtung
- Mauerwerk
- Motorflugzeug
- National Cycling Plan
- Nullenergiehaus
- Parkplatz
- Passivhaus
- Pendeln außerhalb der üblichen Bürozeiten
- Personal Light Electric Vehicle
- Personentransportintensität
- Pro-Kopf-Wohnfläche
- Radschnellweg
- Radverkehrsanteil
- Radwanderweg
- Radwegebau
- RoRo transport
- S-Bahn
- SUVs and off-road vehicles
- Sakralbau
- Schienenpersonenfernverkehr
- Schienenpersonenverkehr
- Schienenweg
- Schifffahrtskanal
- Seewasserstraße
- Seilbahn
- Siedlungsband
- Siedlungsfläche
- Siedlungsrand
- Solarhaus
- Stadt-Umland-Beziehung
- Stadtbeleuchtung
- Stadtbrache
- Stadtimkerei
- Stromtankstelle
- Städtetourismus
- Städtische Biodiversität
- Städtische Verschmutzung
- TTS process
- Tiefbau
- Umgehungsstraße
- Untertagebau
- Urbanistik
- Verdichtetes Wohnen
- Verkehrsbauwerk
- Verkehrsbrache
- Verkehrsentwicklungsplan
- Verkehrsinsel
- Verkehrslärmminderung
- Verkehrsunfall
- Verkehrswegebau
- Wohnbaufläche
- Wohnsiedlungsfläche
- [Traffic and Transportation]
- air freight traffic
- air taxi
- air traffic control
- air transport
- airliner
- airport
- architecture
- autonomous vehicle
- aviation
- ban on night flights
- battery electric vehicle
- bicycle
- bicycle mobility
- bicycle parking rack
- bicycle traffic
- big city
- bike path infrastructure
- bike-friendly city
- bikesharing
- bioenergy facade
- bridge
- building
- building acoustics
- building climatisation
- building density
- building envelope
- building roof
- building stock
- building technology
- built environment
- built structure
- bus
- bus lane
- call traffic
- car
- car sharing
- car toll
- car traffic
- cargo ship
- cemetery
- charging infrastructure
- citizens bus
- city
- city toll
- civil aviation
- climate-friendly urban development
- combined transport
- commercial transport
- commercial vehicle
- communal living
- commuter traffic
- compact city
- construction
- construction in existing buildings
- construction technology
- container
- container transport
- conurbation
- cycle path
- cycle path network
- cycling
- cycling infrastructure
- cycling planning
- cycling policy
- delivery transport
- diesel locomotive
- diesel vehicle
- double hull vessel
- driving restriction
- dry rot
- e scooter
- eHighway
- ecological construction
- electric bicycle
- electric bus
- electric car
- electric locomotive
- electric motor scooter
- electric motorcycle
- electric road
- electric truck
- electric utility vehicle
- electric vehicle
- electric vehicle battery
- electromobility
- environmental alliance
- environmentally friendly mobility
- facade
- facade greening
- facility management
- federal highway
- federal waterway
- flat
- flight safety
- footpath
- footpath network
- freight traffic volume
- freight tram
- freight transport
- freight transport intensity
- freight transport performance
- fresh air corridor
- fuel cell vehicle
- green roof
- greening of buildings
- harbour
- heavy goods vehicle
- high-rise building
- high-speed rail
- historical monument
- housing
- housing policy
- housing stock
- hovercraft
- human population density
- hybrid bus
- hybrid vehicle
- indoor environment
- infrastructure
- inland vessel
- inland waterway
- inner city
- inner urban development
- inner-city housing
- intelligent transportation system
- land transport
- leisure traffic
- level of motorisation
- light commercial vehicle
- light motor vehicle
- local public transport
- local transport
- long distance bus transport
- long truck
- long-distance mobility
- long-distance passenger transport
- long-distance rail traffic
- long-distance traffic
- long-distance transport
- low-energy house
- maglev train
- main road
- means of transport
- medium-sized city
- megacity
- micromobility
- migration
- mobility culture
- mobility infrastructure
- mobility management
- mobility research
- mobility transition
- modal shift
- modal split
- mode of transport
- model region
- monorail
- motor vehicle
- motorbike
- motorway
- motorway of the sea
- moving traffic
- municipal climate adaptation
- natural gas vehicle
- nearly zero-energy building
- night driving ban
- non-residential building
- non-residential construction
- oil tanker
- on-demand transport
- overhead line
- overpopulation
- park and ride
- parking garage
- parking management
- passenger car
- passenger ship
- passenger shipping
- passenger transport
- passenger transport performance
- pedestrian infrastructure
- pedestrian traffic
- plane
- private motorized transport
- public transport
- public transport lane
- rail freight transport
- rail network
- rail transport
- rail vehicle
- railway
- railway noise
- rain water management
- redevelopment area
- residential area
- residential area with traffic calming
- residential building
- residential construction
- residential water management
- road
- road construction
- road construction material
- road freight transport
- road network
- road passenger transport
- road surface
- road traffic noise
- road traffic safety
- road transport
- road tunnel
- road user
- road vehicle
- roadside greenery
- roadside tree
- rural infrastructure
- rural mobility
- rush-hour traffic
- scheduled traffic
- settlement
- settlement and traffic area
- settlement density
- settlement development
- settlement geography
- settlement structure
- shared mobility
- ship
- shipping
- short-distance mobility
- single family house
- small town
- smart city
- solar facade
- solar roof
- solar vehicle
- spa resort
- spacecraft
- speed limit
- sponge city
- stationary traffic
- street lighting
- street space
- suburbanization
- subway
- sustainable building
- sustainable infrastructure
- sustainable mobility
- sustainable transport
- sustainable transport policy
- sustainable urban development
- tank vessel
- technical infrastructure
- technical structure
- toll
- tourist traffic
- tractor unit
- traffic area
- traffic avoidance
- traffic calming
- traffic concept
- traffic control
- traffic control engineering
- traffic density
- traffic engineering
- traffic facility
- traffic flow
- traffic jam
- traffic light
- traffic mobility
- traffic model
- traffic monitoring
- traffic noise
- traffic reduction
- traffic regulation
- traffic route
- traffic safety
- traffic survey
- traffic volume
- tram
- transport
- transport association
- transport development
- transport ecology
- transport infrastructure
- transport infrastructure planning
- transport intensity
- transport network
- transport performance
- transport planning
- transport policy
- transport service
- transport system
- transportation chain
- tree-lined road
- trolleybus
- trunk road
- tunnel
- underground parking
- urban climate
- urban densification
- urban design
- urban development
- urban development funding
- urban development policy
- urban ecology
- urban ecosystem
- urban environmental protection
- urban farming
- urban gardening
- urban green space
- urban greening
- urban infrastructure
- urban logistics
- urban mining
- urban mobility
- urban planning
- urban redevelopment
- urban region
- urban rehabilitation
- urban road
- urban sociology
- urban space
- urban sprawl
- urban structure
- urban transport
- urban-rural relationship
- urbanisation
- vehicle
- vertical farming
- vertical garden
- village
- village development
- waste collection vehicle
- water-sensitive urban development
- waterway
- wooden house
- zero emission-mobility
- zero-emission building