LF70 Umweltaspekte der Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Fischerei, Nahrungsmittel: Theorie, Grundlagen und allgemeine Fragen Collection
Alternative Labels
- LF70 Environmental aspects of agriculture and forestry, fishery, food: Theory, basic principles and gener
- Access und Benefit-Sharing
- Ackerrandstreifen
- Agrarhandel
- Agrarmeteorologie
- Agrarumweltprogramm
- Agrarökologie
- Agrarökonomie
- Algenzucht
- Alte Pflanzensorten
- Amöben
- Arachniden
- Atrazin
- Atrazin
- Bananenpflanze
- Baumstamm
- Befruchtung
- Bestattungswald
- Bestockung
- Bewässerungsfeldbau
- Bienenschutz
- Bioenergiehof
- Biofuttermittel
- Biokerosin
- Biotopschutzwald
- Bodenkohlenstoff
- Bonitur
- Borealer Wald
- CAP reform
- Chinese reed
- Christmas tree
- Common Agricultural Policy
- Damwild
- Direktzahlung
- Dohle
- Durchwachsene Silphie
- EU agricultural policy
- EU agricultural subsidy
- Eichenprozessionsspinner
- Endotoxin
- Energiemais
- Fanglizenz
- Fischbestand
- Fischereigewässer
- Fischereizone
- Forst
- Forstbetrieb
- Forstindustrie
- Forstökonomie
- Fuchs
- Garten
- Geflügelfarm
- Gehölz
- Gemischte Landwirtschaft
- Grundfischerei
- Grünfutter
- Guerilla Gardening
- Gärrest
- Hackfrucht
- Hafer
- Handwerkliche Fischerei
- Hochwild
- Holznutzung
- Holzstoff
- Hutewald
- Industriefisch
- Industrieholz
- Kakao
- Kalidünger
- Keimung
- Kiefer [Baum]
- Klee
- Kleinbäuerliche Landwirtschaft
- Kleingarten
- Künstliche Befruchtung
- Küstenfischerei
- Lachs
- Landgrabbing
- Landwirtschaftlicher Betrieb
- Landwirtschaftliches Brauchwasser
- Landwirtschaftliches Grundeigentum
- Laubbaum
- Lebensmittelpreis
- Leguminosen
- Leinöl
- Maisethanol
- Maniok
- Mediterraner Wald
- Nadelholz
- Nationales Fischereigebiet
- Naturkautschuk
- Naturnaher Garten
- Naturwerkstoff
- Niederwild
- Nitrosamin
- Nuss [Frucht]
- Nährstoffeintrag
- Nährstoffmangel
- Oberirdische Baumbiomasse
- Obstbaum
- Pferd
- Pflanzenfaser
- Phosphatdünger
- Phosphoreintrag
- Raps
- Rasen
- Rebfläche
- Regionale Lebensmittel
- Reh
- Rehbockjagd
- Rohrglanzgras
- Schwarzerde
- Segetalflora
- Silage
- Silagesickersaft
- Solidarische Landwirtschaft
- Sortenschutz
- Stellnetzfischerei
- Sägewerk
- Thunfisch
- Tierressourcen
- Tobamovirus
- Transgener Mais
- Transgener Raps
- Transhumanz
- Tropfbewässerung
- Unterholz
- Vertragslandwirtschaft
- Vogelbestand
- Vogelgrippevirus
- Waldbrandgefahr
- Weinrebe
- Wiederkäuer
- Wirtschaftsgebäude
- Wurzelgemüse
- Xylobiont
- Ziege
- abandoned farmland
- afforestation
- agrarian structure
- agri-environmental policy
- agri-food product
- agricultural area
- agricultural aviation
- agricultural biomass
- agricultural commodity
- agricultural emissions
- agricultural engineering
- agricultural machinery
- agricultural market
- agricultural product
- agricultural production
- agricultural research
- agricultural sciences
- agricultural sociology
- agricultural soil
- agricultural subsidy
- agricultural use
- agricultural waste
- agricultural wood
- agriculture
- agrivoltaics
- agroecosystem
- agrofuel
- agroindustry
- ammonia emission
- animal breeding
- animal fattening
- animal housing
- animal husbandry
- animal population
- animal product
- aquaculture
- aquaculture production
- arable land
- ash tree
- bagasse
- balance
- banana fiber
- barley
- beech
- beekeeping
- beet
- bio-based materials
- bio-based product
- biofuel
- biorefinery
- bovine animal
- cattle farming
- cereal production
- cereals
- coffee plant
- coniferous forest
- construction timber
- coppice
- coppice with standards
- cotton
- cotton plant
- crop residue
- crop rotation
- cultivated biomass
- cultivated plant
- dairy cattle
- dairy cattle farming
- dairy industry
- dairy product
- deep-sea fishing
- domestic pig
- edible fish
- energy crop
- energy crop production
- energy farming
- energy forest
- environmental impacts of agriculture
- extensification
- extensive grazing
- farmed animal
- farming system
- farmyard manure
- fattening facility
- feed
- fertigation
- fertilisation
- fertiliser
- fibre crop
- field crop
- fish product
- fishery
- fishing gear
- fishing industry
- fishing net
- fishing technique
- fodder plant
- food
- food of animal origin
- food packaging
- food plant
- food production
- forest
- forest area
- forest biodiversity
- forest community
- forest ecosystem
- forest function
- forest genetic resources
- forest plant
- forest product
- forest regeneration
- forest resources
- forest soil
- forest technology
- forestry
- forestry area
- forestry machinery
- fruit
- fungal spores
- fungus
- genetic pool
- grass
- grassland
- greenhouse
- greenhouse cultivation
- harvest
- high forest
- horticulture
- humic substance
- hygiene
- insect pollination
- intelligent agriculture
- intensive farming
- intensive livestock farming
- irrigation
- irrigation system
- liquid manure
- longline fishing
- maize
- manure
- maple
- marginal land
- mariculture
- marine fishery
- meat
- meat consumption
- meat production
- meat substitute
- millet
- mineral fertiliser
- mixed forest
- molasses
- mountain forest
- multifunctional agriculture
- mussel farming
- near-natural forest
- nitrification inhibitor
- nitrogen surplus
- novel food
- oak
- orchard
- organic fertiliser
- ornamental plant
- ornamental plant production
- oyster farming
- paludiculture
- pasture
- pasture farming
- permaculture
- permanent crop
- permanent grassland
- pesticide resistance
- piggery
- plant aid
- plant nutrition
- plant population
- plant seed
- plant strengthener
- plantation
- plantation forest
- ploughing up of grassland
- pollination
- poultry
- poultry farming
- rapeseed methyl ester
- renewable raw material
- reproduction
- residual forest wood
- rice
- rubber tree
- rye
- seafood
- seed
- seed diversity
- selection forest
- set-aside of land
- sewage sludge fertilization
- sexual reproduction
- sheep
- short rotation coppice
- slash and burn
- soil improver
- soil management
- soil protection forest
- soy cultivation
- soy methyl ester
- soybean
- sprinkler irrigation
- spruce
- sugar beet
- sugarcane
- sycamore maple
- timber
- trawling
- tree
- tree bark
- tropical timber
- urban farming
- urban gardening
- vegetable
- vegetable oil
- vegetable oil fuel
- vertical farming
- wasting food
- wheat
- wild service tree
- wildlife
- wood fibre
- wood industry
- wood product
- wood production
- wood raw material
- woody biomass
- Ölfrucht
- Ölpalme
- Ölpflanze