Billion Tree Campaign Event
- time of event
- 2007
Das Umweltprogramm der Vereinten Nationen (UNEP) will als eine Maßnahme gegen den Klimawandel 2007 weltweit eine Milliarde Bäume pflanzen. Unter dem Motto „Plant for the Planet: Billion Tree Campaign“ fordert UNEP Privatpersonen, Kommunen, Wirtschaft und Regierungen zu Aufforstungen auf.
Die Idee zu dieser Kampagne geht auf die kenianische Professorin Wangari Maathai zurück, die im Jahr 1977 das Aufforstungsprojekt „Green Belt Movement” ins Leben rief.
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has launched a major worldwide tree planting campaign. Under the "Plant for the Planet: Billion Tree Campaign" people, communities, organizations, business and industry, civil society and governments are being encouraged to plant trees and enter their tree planting pledges on this web site. The objective is to plant at least one billion trees worldwide in 2007.
The idea for the "Plant for the Planet: Billion Tree Campaign" was inspired by Professor Wangari Maathai, Nobel Peace Prize laureate for 2004 and founder of Kenya’s Green Belt Movement, which has planted more than 30 million trees in 12 African countries since 1977.
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