EN50 Technology conserving energy and raw materials Collection
Verminderung des Verbrauchs von Energie- oder Rohstoff-Ressourcen durch technische und konsumsteuernde Massnahmen einschließlich des Einsatzes erneuerbarer Ressourcen und Substitution herkömmlicher Brennstoffe durch Brennstoffe aus Müll oder Mitverbrennung von Abfällen in Industrieöfen oder Kraftwerken, sofern Energiegewinnung dabei ein Hauptzweck ist. Die isolierte Betrachtung der Weiterverwendung oder Wiederverwendung von Stoffen oder Materialien ist AB52 bzw AB53 zuzuordnen. Überschneidungen
- Abgaswärme
- Abhitzekessel
- Abwärmekraftwerk
- Batteriespeicher
- Batteriespeicherkraftwerk
- Bioenergiehof
- Biogaskraftwerk
- Biokerosin
- Biokomposit
- Biomass to liquid
- Biomasseanlage
- Brennwertnutzung
- Cradle-to-Cradle-Konzept
- Dreifachverglasung
- E10-Kraftstoff
- Effizienztechnologie
- Effizienzvergleich
- Energetische Stadtsanierung
- Energieeffiziente Anlage
- Energieeffizienzklasse
- Energiemais
- Energiespar-Contracting
- Energy Harvesting
- Fischer-Tropsch process
- Geothermiekraftwerk
- Haushaltsbeleuchtung
- Heizkraftwerk
- Holz-Kunststoff-Verbundwerkstoff
- Holzstoff
- Hybridkraftwerk
- Hydrothermale Geothermie
- Hydrothermale Karbonisierung
- Klima- und Lüftungstechnik
- Kofermentation
- Kohlehydrierung
- Kraftstoffeinsparung
- Lastmanagement
- Lösemittelrecycling
- Maisethanol
- Mineralischer Ersatzbaustoff
- Naturfaserverstärkter Kunststoff
- Nullenergiehaus
- Passivhaus
- Petrothermale Geothermie
- Plusenergiehaus
- Polypropylencarbonat
- Power-to-Fuel
- Power-to-Heat
- Power-to-X-Technologien
- RDF power plant
- Recyclingbaustoff
- Recyclinggerechte Konstruktion
- Ressourcenschutzprogramm
- Rohstoffsicherung
- Solargas
- Solarhaus
- Solarkollektor
- Solarthermie
- Solarturmkraftwerk
- Strom aus Biomasse
- Stromeffizienz
- Strömungsenergie
- Strömungskraftwerk
- Substitution von Rohstoffen
- Suffizienzpolitik
- Thermoaktive Decke
- Vergasungsanlage
- Windenergie im Wald
- Windenergienutzung
- Windstrom
- Wärmeeffizienz
- Wärmeschutzverordnung
- Wärmetechnik
- Zweifachverglasung
- agrivoltaics
- air heat pump
- airborne wind turbine
- airtightness
- bioenergy
- bioenergy carrier
- bioenergy facade
- bioenergy village
- bioethanol
- biogas
- biogas plant
- biogas production
- biogas substrate
- bioheat
- biomass
- biomass gasification
- biomass heating power plant
- biomass power plant
- biorefinery
- brake energy recovery
- cascade use
- chemical energy storage
- circular bioeconomy
- circular economy
- citizen power plant
- citizen wind farm
- cogeneration
- cold storage
- combined heat and power plant
- compressed air storage
- condensing boiler
- deep geothermal energy
- dematerialisation
- e-fuel
- ecological construction
- efficiency
- efficiency increase
- electricity generation from waste heat
- electricity storage
- electrochemical energy storage
- energy conversion
- energy efficiency
- energy efficiency improvement
- energy efficiency technology
- energy management
- energy management system
- energy recovery
- energy rehabilitation
- energy saving
- energy saving potential
- energy saving product
- energy storage
- energy sufficiency
- energy technology
- energy-efficient construction
- energy-saving lamp
- environmentally friendly product
- exterior insulation finishing system
- facade insulation
- final energy efficiency
- final energy saving
- gasification
- geothermal energy
- geothermal heat pump
- geothermal heating
- geothermal probe
- green IT
- green biorefinery
- ground water heat pump
- ground-mounted photovoltaic system
- ground-mounted solar thermal power plant
- heat insulation material
- heat pump
- heat recovery
- heat storage
- heating energy saving
- high-efficiency pump
- hydroenergy
- hydrogen
- ice storage
- insulation material
- latent heat storage
- low-energy house
- marine energy
- material efficiency
- material flow management
- multiple use
- municipal environmental protection
- nearly zero-energy building
- ocean thermal power plant
- offshore wind energy
- offshore wind farm
- offshore wind turbine
- onshore wind energy
- onshore wind farm
- onshore wind turbine
- osmotic power plant
- parabolic trough power plant
- phosphorus recovery
- photovoltaic system
- photovoltaics
- primary energy saving
- product longevity
- raw material recovery
- recyclability
- recycling of construction materials
- renewable electricity
- renewable electricity generation
- renewable energy plant
- renewable energy production
- renewable energy source
- renewable heat
- renewable raw material
- renewable resource
- repairability
- repowering
- resource conservation
- resource efficiency improvement
- resource-efficient product
- roof insulation
- saving electricity
- secondary raw material
- shallow geothermal energy
- small solar plant
- small wind turbine
- smart grid
- smart meter
- solar architecture
- solar cell
- solar charging station
- solar concentrator
- solar cooling
- solar electricity
- solar energy storage
- solar facade
- solar power plant
- solar roof
- solar settlement
- solar system
- solar technology
- solar thermal power plant
- solar thermal system
- solar updraft tower
- solar water heating
- sorption heat storage
- soy methyl ester
- subsequent use
- substitute fuel plant
- sustainable energy production
- sustainable energy supply
- sustainable infrastructure
- sustainable raw material supply
- sustainable society
- thermal insulation
- thermal insulation glazing
- tidal power plant
- transparent thermal insulation
- urban mining
- use of geothermal energy
- use of wastewater heat
- waste co-incineration
- waste heat utilisation
- waste water heat pump
- wind energy
- wind farm
- wind turbine
- wood energy
- zero-emission building
- Ökodorf