
time of event



Bestandsschätzungen zufolge ist es in Nepal gelungen den Tigerbestand seit 2009 um etwa 60 Prozent auf heute knapp 200 Tiere zu erhöhen. Das teilte die Regierung in Kathmandu anlässlich des Internationalen Tages des Tigers am 29. Juli 2013 mit. Begründet wird der Anstieg durch ein Anwachsen der Tigerzahl, aber auch verbesserte Zählmethoden.


On 29 July 2013, Nepal’s government announced its tiger population has increased by 63 percent since the last survey in 2009—putting the number of tigers at an estimated 198 with a range between 163-235. The first-ever joint tiger survey between Nepal and India in the transboundary Terai Arc Landscape began in January. In Nepal, this massive wildlife survey included over 260 trained staff, camera traps covering 1,870 square miles of tiger habitat and 7,699 tiger images.

This was funded by WWF UK, WWF Australia, WWF US, the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation, the Hariyo Ban Program (funded by USAID), and US Fish and Wildlife Service. WWF also played a major role from planning and implementation to the final data analysis.

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