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More Critically Endangered birds on IUCN Red List than ever, IUCN, Red List, bird, birds, critically endangered, critically endangered birds

Schreibweisen werden auch in folgenden Labels verwendet:

Vogel des Jahres 1971 ist der Wanderfalke, Bird of the Year 1972 is the Little Owl, Bird of the Year 1974 is the House martin, Bird of the Year 1975 is the Eurasien Golden Plover, Bird of the Year 1976 is the Hoopoe, Bird of the Year 1977 is the Barn owl, Bird of the Year 1978 is the Common Crane, Bird of the Year 1979 is the Barn Swallow, Bird of the Year 1980 is the Black Grouse, Bird of the Year 1981 is the Black Woodpecker, Bird of the Year 1982 is the Curlew, Bird of the Year 1983 is the Sand Martin, Bird of the Year 1984 is the White Stork, Bird of the Year 1985 is the Red-backed Shrike, Bird of the Year 1986 is the Rook, Bird of the Year 1987 is the Whinchat, Bird of the Year 1988 is the Wryneck, Bird of the Year 1989 is the Reed Warbler, Bird of the Year 1990 is the Golden Oriole, Bird of the Year 1991 is the Grey Partridge, Bird of the Year 1992 is the Robin, Bird of the Year 1993 is the Little Ringed Plover, Bird of the Year 1994 is the White stork, Bird of the Year 1995 is the Nightingale, Bird of the Year 1996 is the Lapwing, Bird of the Year 1997 is the Great Spotted Woodpecker, Bird of the Year 1998 is the Skylark, Bird of the Year 1999 is the Yellowhammer, Save the bird of paradise, First bird conservation day in Germany, EEC commission guideline on preservation of wild bird species (79/409/EWG), Bird of the Year 2001 is the Great Crested Grebe, Bird of the Year 2002 is the House Sparrow, Bird of the Year 2016 is the European goldfinch, Bird of The Year 2010 is the Great Cormorant, Delacour-Zwergtaucher offiziell ausgestorben, Alaotra grebe confirmed extinct, IUCN Rote Liste Update veröffentlicht, IUCN Red List Update, 18 Millionen Hektar neuer Wald, 18 million hectares new forest, Bird of the Year 2012 is the Jackdaw, IUCN veröffentlicht Europäische Liste gefährdeter Wildpflanzenarten, European Red List of Vascular Plants published, Internationaler Gipfel zum Schutz des Afrikanischen Elefanten, Schuppentiere laut Experten von der Ausrottung bedroht, The most traded wild mammal - the Pangolin - is being eaten to extinction, Elefanten auf Sumatra wegen Lebensraumverlust vom Aussterben bedroht, Habitat loss drives Sumatran elephants step closer to extinction, Schweizer Nationalpark feiert 100-jähriges Bestehen, Study reveals startling decline in European birds, Cacti among world’s most threatened species, State of Nature in the EU, Bird of the Year 2014 is the European Green Woodpecker, Red List of Threatened Species: Arabian Oryx, IUCN released a new list of the world's 25 most endangered primates, Okapi vom Aussterben bedroht, Forest giraffe joins growing number of threatened species, IUCN stellt neue Rote Liste vor, IUCN Red List reveals world's mammals in crisis, Bird of the Year 2015 is the Hawk, Bird of the Year 2008 is the Common Cuckoo, Bird of the Year 2007 is the Common Kestrel, Bird of the Year 2006 is the Eurasian Nuthatch, Zahl der besonders stark gefährdeten Vögel auf der Roten Liste der IUCN steigt, Bird of the Year 2011 is the Redstart, Weltweiter Plan zur Rettung des Sägerochens vorgeschlagen, Global Protection Strategy Proposed for Endangered Sawfish, IUCN Weltnaturschutzkongress auf Hawaii, IUCN World Conservation Congress in Hawaii, Nationalpark Kellerwald bekommt IUCN-Auszeichnung, IUCN veröffentlicht neuestes Update der Roten Liste auf dem Weltnaturschutzkongress, IUCN erweitert die Rote Liste der gefährdeten Arten, Update of the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Latest update of The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™ released today at the IUCN World Conservation Congress, Bird of the Year 2012 is the Common Snipe, Aktualisierte Rote Liste 2014 für Vogelarten, Updated 2014 Red List for birds, First Red List of Threatened Breeding Birds, Überblick über den Zustand der Meeresfische im Mittelmeerraum, Overview of the Conservation Status of the Marine Fishes of the Mediterranean Sea, Bird of the Year 2017 is the Tawny Owl, Bird of the Year 2004 is the Wren, Giraffen auf der Roten Liste der bedrohten Tierarten, Giraffe under threat – IUCN Red List, Bird of the Year 2018 is the the European starling, IUCN Rote Liste: Ein Fünftel aller Farnarten in Europa ist bedroht, Ancient ferns highly threatened in Europe – IUCN Red List