UA80 Environment and Health Collection
Übergreifende Betrachtung von Wirkungen der Umwelt auf den Menschen, speziell die Betrachtung der Wirkung in komplexen Umwelten, Epidemiologische Untersuchungen (Beispielthemen: Sick Building Syndrome, Multiple Chemikalienüberempfindlichkeit, Umwelterkrankungen, Umweltmedizinische Methoden, Krebsstatistik, Epidemiologie; Bevölkerungswachstum im Zusammenhang mit Umweltqualität, Umweltdaten im Zusammenhang mit menschlicher Gesundheit).
- Anopheles
- Anthelminthikum
- Antidepressivum
- Antiinfektivum
- Antiphlogistikum
- Arbeitsmedizin
- Asian Tiger Mosquito
- Asian bush mosquito
- Bakteriostatikum
- Betäubungsmittel
- Bilharziose
- Biomarker
- Blutprobe
- Bronchien
- Chikungunya-Fieber
- Chikungunya-Virus
- Cryptosporidium
- Dengue fever
- Drüse
- Ektoparasit
- Elektrosensibilität
- Endemie
- Endokrinologie
- Enterohämorrhagische E. coli
- Enterotoxische E. coli
- Environment and Health
- Environmental Burden of Disease
- Epidemie
- Epigenetik
- Fallkontrollstudie
- Fischkrankheit
- Fortpflanzungsgefährdender Stoff
- Gebäudeschadstoff
- GerES
- Haarprobe
- Harnweg
- Haut
- Hautkrebs
- Herz
- Humantoxikologie
- Immunkrankheit
- Immunologie
- Infektionsschutzgesetz
- Innenraumhygiene
- Klimawandel und Gesundheit
- Laus
- Lebenserwartung
- Legionella pneumophila
- Luftreiniger
- Medizin
- Minamata disease
- Molekulare Epidemiologie
- Nuklearmedizin
- One Health approach
- Optisch bedrängende Wirkung
- Parasitose
- Passivrauch
- Pharmakologie
- Planetary Health
- Regulatorische Toxikologie
- SARS-CoV-2
- Seuchenbekämpfung
- Sick-Building-Syndrom
- Smogwarnung
- Tabakrauchen
- Tiergesundheitsgesetz
- Tropenkrankheit
- Urinprobe
- Virostatikum
- West Nile fever
- West-Nil-Virus
- Wohngesundheit
- World Health Organization
- Yellow fever virus
- Zahnmedizin
- Zika virus
- active pharmaceutical ingredient
- air hygiene
- allergen
- allergenic effect
- allergy
- anaesthetic gas
- antibiotic
- antibiotic resistance
- antimycotic
- bathing water quality
- bioclimate
- biopharmaceutical
- blood
- blood lead level
- blood plasma
- blood test
- breast milk
- cadmium poisoning
- cancer
- cancer risk
- carcinogenesis
- cardiovascular disease
- cardiovascular system
- child
- children's health
- cockroach
- coronavirus
- coronavirus pandemic
- cytostatic
- damage to organ
- dermatosis
- desflurane
- disease
- disease carrier
- disease cause
- disinfection
- drinking water hygiene
- drug safety
- ecological grief
- embryo
- endocrine effect
- environment-related health protection
- environmental anxiety
- environmental health
- environmental medicine
- environmental psychology
- environmental survey for children
- epidemiology
- exposure assessment
- feed hygiene
- fetus
- fluorosis
- food safety
- food security
- fungal infection
- gastrointestinal tract
- hantavirus
- health
- health sector
- health damage
- health facility
- health impact assessment
- health impacts
- health pest
- health policy
- health protection
- health risk
- health statistics
- health-related environmental monitoring
- healthcare
- hearing damage
- heat action plan
- heat prevention
- heat stress
- heat-related deaths
- heatwave
- heavy metal poisoning
- hospital hygiene
- house dust
- human biomonitoring
- human disease
- human exposure to pollutants
- human health
- human medicine
- human sample
- human toxicity
- immune system
- indoor air
- indoor air hygiene
- infant mortality
- infection
- infection protection
- infectious disease
- infectious waste
- infrasound
- inhalation
- kidney
- lead poisoning
- legionella
- leukemia
- low-frequency noise
- lung cancer
- malaria
- medical device
- medical waste
- medicinal plant
- mercury poisoning
- morbidity
- mortality
- mould
- mould control
- mould in buildings
- mould infestation
- multi-resistant pathogen
- multiple chemical sensitivity
- night noise
- nutrition
- nutrition survey
- occupational disease
- occupational hygiene
- occupational safety
- organic mercury compound
- pandemic
- pathogen
- pathogenicity
- pharmaceutical
- physiological effect
- pneumoconiosis
- poisoning
- premature deaths
- prenatal exposure
- public health
- residential poison
- respiratory system
- respiratory tract
- salmonella
- scabies
- sensitizing substance
- silicosis
- skin irritation
- sleep disturbance
- social medicine
- substance hazardous to health
- tobacco product
- toxicity
- toxicology
- tumour
- urban stress
- vector-borne disease
- veterinary antibiotic
- viral infection
- virus
- water hygiene
- water safety
- yellow fever mosquito
- zoonosis