water Label
Water is a transparent and nearly colorless chemical substance that is the main constituent of Earth's streams, lakes, and oceans, and the fluids of most living organisms. Its chemical formula is H2O, meaning that its molecule contains one oxygen and two hydrogen atoms, that are connected by covalent bonds. Water strictly refers to the liquid state of that substance, that prevails at standard ambient temperature and pressure; but it often refers also to its solid state (ice) or its gaseous state (steam or water vapor). It also occurs in nature as snow, glaciers, ice packs and icebergs, clouds, fog, dew, aquifers, and atmospheric humidity (Water. (2017, May 22). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 09:09, May 26, 2017, from https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Water&oldid=781741751)
Part of speech
Noun (male)Base form
waterPreferred Label of
Alternative Label of
BK-Label of
Wird von folgenden Label als Homograph verwendet:
Compound from
Compound in
- Act on Managing Water Resources
- Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments
- Convention on Ballast Water
- Directive concerning urban waste-water treatment
- Drinking Water Ordinance
- EU Water Protection Directive
- EU directive on the quality of water for human consumption
- European Directive on Drinking Water
- European Drinking Water Directive
- European Water Framework Directive
- European Water Information System
- Ground Water Ordinance
- International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments
- International Convention on Ballast Water
- Law on the New Regulation of Water Law
- State Water Act
- Waste Water Ordinance
- Water Avens
- Water Protection Directive
- adhesive water
- administrative regulation on substances hazardous to water
- adverse effects on water quality
- aerobic waste water treatment
- agricultural water engineering
- anaerobic waste water treatment
- aquatic water sports
- artificial surface water body
- atmospheric water
- back water
- ballast water convention
- ballast water management
- ballast water management system
- ballast water treatment
- banked-up water
- bathing pool water
- blackwater [stream water]
- brackish water desalting
- capillary water
- chemical waste water treatment
- classification into water hazard classes
- community water fluoridation
- concentration of salt in water
- conditioned water
- connate water
- conservation of water resources
- consumptive water
- cooling water
- cooling with water
- dammed-up water
- deep-water siphoning
- demand for energy and water
- demand for water and energy
- demesnial water
- direct discharge of waste water
- drainage water
- drinking water abstraction
- drinking water guideline value
- drinking water pipeline
- drinking water production
- drinking water reserves
- drinking water reservoir
- drinking water resources
- drinking water storage tank
- drinking water tank
- drinking water use
- expanse of water
- fish water
- flood water
- flood water flow
- fluoridation of drinking water
- fluoridation of water supplies
- fossil water
- foul water drain
- gas instantaneous water heaters
- germ-infested drinking water
- germ-infested water
- glacial water
- ground and surface water
- ground water damage
- ground water flow
- ground water prospection
- ground water sample
- ground water specimen
- ground water zone
- ground-water prospection
- hidden water
- high tide water
- high tide water level
- high water flow
- hot water cylinder
- hot water storage
- hot water supply
- humic water
- impounded water
- inland surface water
- instant hot-water dispenser
- instantaneous water heater
- iodation of drinking water
- iodination of drinking water
- iodization of drinking water
- kitchen waste water
- lime water
- long distance water supply
- low water
- lowering of the water table
- maintenance of water quality
- mapping the structure quality of bodies of water
- mechanical waste water treatment
- meteoric water
- microbial contamination of drinking water
- microbial pollution of drinking water
- microbial water contamination
- microbial water pollution
- microbially contaminated water
- mine dewatering water
- mine drainage water
- mine water
- mining sump water
- multiple use of water
- municipal water distribution system
- municipal water management
- oxygen balance of water bodys
- perched water
- pervioussness to water
- phosphorus recovery from waste and process water by crystallisation
- physical waste water treatment
- pool water quality
- pressure water reactor
- pressurized water reactor
- prospection of ground water
- public water fluoridation
- qualitative water management
- rain water sewer system
- raw water
- raw water quality
- rock water
- run-off of rain water
- saline water
- salt concentration in water
- saprobic water
- sediment interstitial water
- shallow water
- shallow water zone
- shoal water
- snow water
- soil water
- soil water content
- soil water content measurement
- soil water logging
- source-water
- source-water contamination
- spring water
- spring-water
- stagnant water soil
- state of water
- stream water
- stretch of water
- subsoil water
- surface and ground water
- surface water abstraction
- surface water management
- swimming and bathing pool water
- swimming pool water
- swimming water quality
- tail water
- tankless water heater
- thermal water
- traffic on water
- treated water
- under water coating
- underground water
- untreated water
- warm water
- warm water boiler
- warm water heater
- warm water supply
- waste water filter
- waste water heat
- waste water levy
- waste water pollution
- waste water purification
- waste water purification plant
- waste water reclamation
- waste water register
- waste water sludge
- waste water statistics
- waste water system
- waste water tax
- water act
- water aeration
- water analysis
- water area
- water assay
- water balance
- water base
- water bodies within the floodplains
- water bottom
- water budget
- water clarification
- water collection area
- water conditioning
- water conditioning plant
- water conservation
- water contamination
- water content
- water cooling system
- water crisis
- water damage
- water danger
- water demand
- water deposit
- water desalination
- water distribution
- water distribution network
- water distribution system
- water economising
- water endangering
- water endangerment
- water energy
- water evaporation
- water examination
- water extraction
- water extraction charges
- water filter
- water flea
- water fleas
- water flow
- water for consumption
- water for industrial use
- water hardness
- water hazard
- water heater
- water heating system
- water hoglouse
- water hygiene monitoring
- water information system
- water intended for human consumption
- water layer
- water level forecast
- water level forecasting
- water level prediction
- water logged soil
- water louse
- water management inventory
- water management plan
- water meadow landscape
- water ouzel
- water pollution control measure
- water power plant
- water power staion
- water protection
- water protection legislation
- water purification
- water purification plant
- water purifying
- water quality
- water quality category
- water quality class
- water quality control management
- water quality directive
- water quality improvement
- water quality management
- water recirculation system
- water recovery
- water recycling
- water regeneration
- water removal
- water reservoir
- water resource plan
- water resources conservation
- water resources development
- water resources plan
- water resources planning
- water reuse
- water reutilisation
- water runoff
- water salinity
- water sample
- water saving
- water sciences
- water seepage
- water slater
- water snail
- water softening
- water solubility
- water soluble
- water specimen
- water sports
- water stage
- water steam
- water supply
- water supply enterprises
- water surface
- water tariff
- water temperature
- water transportation
- water treatment
- water treatment plant
- water turbidity
- water usage
- water use charges
- water use fees
- water use intensity
- water wheel
- water-based paint
- water-closet
- water-glass
- yellow water