

Alternative Label of



Federal Environment Agency proposes inclusion of five anthracene oils as subject to EU authorisation, REACH, ECHA, Federal Environment Agency, anthracene

Same spelling in use by the following Labels:

Germany: Air quality 2010, Chemicals/REACH: six dangerous substances to be phased out by the EU, Climate change: Average temperatures on the rise, more hot days, Erstmaligen Veröffentlichung des EU-Einstufungs- und Kennzeichnungsverzeichnisses, Publication of the first EU Classification and Labelling Inventory, European Commission rewards UBA for outstanding evironmental management, REACH: Erster Erfolg gegen hormonähnlichen Stoff, REACH: First signs of successful action taken against endocrine disruptor, A new president for the Federal Environment Agency, Regulate fracking now, REACH: Neue Kandidaten auf der Liste, Candidate List updated with four new SVHCs, First REACH registration closes, Umweltrat verabschiedet REACH, Environment Council adopts REACH, EU-Gerichtshof stärkt Regulierung gefährlicher Chemikalien, UBA President Troge resigns, UBA emissions data for 2015 published, Chemicals/REACH: EU to ban cadmium in jewellery, brazing sticks and all plastics, ECHA schlägt fünf neue Chemikalien zur Aufnahme in den REACH-Annex vor, ECHA proposes a new batch of SVHCs for authorisation, Umweltbundesamt schlägt fünf Anthracenöle für EU-weite Zulassungspflicht vor, Water body type of the year 2016, Kartendienst zur Luftqualität, 138 besonders besorgniserregende Stoffe auf der Kandidatenliste, Number of Substances on the Candidate List: 138, Europäische Chemikalienagentur publiziert Liste besorgniserregender Stoffe, ECHA has included 15 substances in the Candidate List of Substances of Very High Concern, REACH-Verordnung tritt in Kraft, REACH Regulation entered into force, ECHA klassifiziert den Weichmacher BPA sowie drei weitere Chemikalien als besonders besorgniserregende Stoffe, Echa adds four substances to candidate list, Glyphosate not classified as a carcinogen by ECHA, Opening of the International Sustainable Chemistry Collaborative Centre, ECHA stellt Website mit Informationen zu Nanomaterialien auf dem EU-Markt online, EU observatory for nanomaterials launched, EU recognises bisphenol A as an endocrine disruptor, EU klassifiziert Bisphenol A als endokriner Disruptor, Federal Environment Agency publishes maps on nitrate pollution of rivers in Germany (Nitrate Reports 2008, 2012 and 2016 and EU Nitrate Directive (91/676/EEC))