Rockefeller Brothers Fund Divesting From Fuel Oils Event
- time of event
- 2014-09-22
Stephen Heintz, Präsident der Rockefeller Brothers Stiftung, verkündete am 22. September 2014, dass die Stiftung sich künftig nicht mehr an Öl- und Gasgeschäften beteiligen wird. Anlässlich des UN-Weltklimagipfels in New York gaben 50 gemeinnützige Fonds, darunter auch der Brothers Fund, ihr De-Investment aus 200 großen Öl- und Gasfirmen in den nächsten Jahren bekannt. Statt fossile Energien zu unterstützen, wollen die Stiftungen ihren Schwerpunkt auf erneuerbare Energien und Umwelttechnologien richten.
Stephen Heintz, president of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, announced its decision to divest from fossil fuels at a press conference in New York City on September 22, 2014, one day before world leaders convene at the UN Climate Summit. The Fund has begun a two-step process to divest from investments in fossil fuels, first focusing on limiting its exposure to coal and tar sands, with a goal to reduce these investments to less than one percent of the total portfolio by the end of 2014. The Fund is also analyzing in detail its remaining fossil fuel exposure and will develop a plan for further divestment as quickly as is prudent over the next few years.
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