Green Climate Fund ‘ready’ to start work Event
- time of event
- 2014-05-21
Bei der Sitzung des Direktoriums des Grünen Klimafonds (Green Climate Fund, GCF) im südkoreanischen Songdo ist am 21. Mai 2014 ein Durchbruch erzielt worden: Ab sofort kann der Fonds, der Klimaschutz und Anpassungsmaßnahmen in Entwicklungsländern finanzieren soll, Einzahlungen annehmen.
On 21 May 2014, the Board of the Green Climate Fund successfully reached agreement on essential requirements for the Fund to move towards commencing its initial resource mobilization, among them, a results management framework, the initial proposal approval process, the guiding framework and procedures for accrediting entities, and the Fund’s financial risk management and investment frameworks. Speaking immediately after the Board meeting, Co-Chair Mr. Manfred Konukiewitz (Germany) stated: “We have taken the final steps for the fund to become operational and to start the initial resource mobilization process. With the decisions taken at this meeting, especially on the investment framework and the proposal approval process, we have designed the fund to be ambitious and effective in supporting developing countries in their way towards low-emission and climate-resilient development. This was a very crucial meeting and we have made the essential progress needed.”
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