Arctic sea ice getting thinner Event
- time of event
- 2009-04-06
Das Eis in der Arktis schmilzt nicht nur, es ist auch so dünn wie nie zuvor. Zu diesem Ergebnis kommt eine am 6. Juni 2009 veröffentlichte Studie der US-Weltraumbehörde NASA und des Nationalen Datenzentrums für Schnee und Eis in Colorado.
The latest Arctic sea ice data from NASA and the National Snow and Ice Data Center show that the decade-long trend of shrinking sea ice cover is continuing. New evidence from satellite observations also shows that the ice cap is thinning as well. Scientists who track Arctic sea ice cover from space announced that this winter had the fifth-lowest maximum ice extent on record. The six lowest maximum events since satellite monitoring began in 1979 have all occurred in the past six years (2004-2009).
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