Bundeskabinett beschließt erstes bundesweites Abfallvermeidungsprogramm Event
- time of event
- 2013-07-31
The German Government's Waste Prevention Programme was adopted by the Cabinet on 31 July 2013. For the first time, the Programme sets out a systematic and comprehensive approach for preventing waste in the public sector, by recommending specific instruments and measures. At the same time, the Cabinet's resolution will open up a dialogue on waste prevention between the Federal Government, Länder, municipalities and other stakeholders. The Federal Länder were involved in the drafting of the Programme.
Assigned collections
- https://sns.uba.de/umthes/_00000336.htmlSNS UMTHESWhat Happened
- https://sns.uba.de/umthes/_00000112.htmlSNS UMTHESWhat Happened
- https://sns.uba.de/umthes/_00040332.htmlSNS UMTHESWhat Happened