waste Label
DefGEMET: Material, often unusable, left over from any manufacturing, industrial, agricultural or other human process; Material damaged or altered during a manufacturing process and subsequently left useless. (Source: HMD / OED)
Part of speech
Noun (male)Base form
waste, wastesCompound from
Compound in
- Act concerning the Search and Selection of a Site for a Repository for Heat-Generating Radioactive Waste
- Act for Simplification of Supervision under Laws Pertaining to Waste Management
- Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and other Matter
- Directive concerning urban waste-water treatment
- Directive establishing a Community framework for the responsible and safe management of spent fuel and radioactive waste
- Directive on the management of spent fuel and radioactive waste
- EC Waste Framework Directive
- EC Waste Shipments Regulation
- EC mining waste directive
- EU Mining Waste Directive
- European Parliament and Council Directive 94/62/EC on packaging and packaging waste
- European Waste Catalogue
- Framework Directive on Waste
- Ordinance on Incineration Plants for Waste and Similar Combustible Materials
- Ordinance on Waste Oils
- Ordinance on notification and authorization procedure for collectors, transporters, dealers and brokers of waste
- Ordinance on the Monitoring of Wastes and Residues
- Ordinance on the Requirements Pertaining to the Recovery and Disposal of Waste Wood
- Ordinance pertaining to the recovery of waste at surface landfills and amending the Commercial Wastes Ordinance
- Recovery of Waste at Surface Landfills Ordinance
- Waste Act
- Waste Avoidance and Waste Management Act
- Waste Electrical Equipment Register
- Waste Framework Directive
- Waste Paper Ordinance
- Waste Water Ordinance
- Waste Wood Ordinance
- aerobic waste water treatment
- amount of municipal waste
- anaerobic waste water treatment
- biodegradable municipal waste
- biogenic residues and waste
- biogenic waste
- building and demolition waste
- building waste
- building waste recycling
- bulky waste
- bulky waste collection
- chemical waste water treatment
- commercial and industrial wastes
- compostable waste
- corporate waste management plan
- demolition waste dump
- demolition waste dumping site
- development of waste quantities
- direct discharge of waste water
- domestic waste collection
- drug waste disposal
- dual system of waste collection
- dual waste management
- dual waste management system
- dumping of municipal waste
- electronic and electric waste equipment registry
- electronic waste
- electronic waste records procedure
- electronic waste tracking system
- energetic use of waste
- fermentation of waste and residual materials
- fermentation of waste and residues
- garden and park waste
- garden waste
- glass waste
- green waste
- hazardous waste incinerator
- high level radioactive waste
- high-level liquid waste
- highly radioactive nuclear waste
- household bulky waste collection
- household waste collection
- industrial production waste
- industrial waste heat
- inquiry on waste
- kitchen waste water
- landfilling of waste
- licensing of waste management facilities
- long distance waste transport
- long-distance waste transportation
- manufacturing waste
- mechanical waste water treatment
- medication waste disposal
- municipal garden and park waste
- municipal waste generation
- nanomaterials in waste
- nuclear power plant operation waste disposal
- nuclear waste repository
- nuclear waste storage
- packaging waste disposal
- park waste
- phosphorus recovery from waste and process water by crystallisation
- physical waste water treatment
- planning concerning wastes
- planning relating to wastes
- product responsibility in waste legislation
- production waste
- putrescible waste
- recovery of mineral waste
- recycling of mineral waste
- remaining waste
- residential waste generation
- residual waste bin
- residual waste container
- residual waste disposal
- residual waste sludge
- reuse of mineral waste
- road construction waste
- rock waste
- sea dumping of radioactive waste
- sinking of waste
- sulfite waste liquor
- temporary waste storage
- thermal waste treatment plant
- timber waste
- toxic waste incinerator
- transboundary movement of waste
- transfrontier movement of waste
- transfrontier shipment of waste
- urban waste
- use of waste as energy source
- volume of municipal waste
- volume of residential waste
- waste advice
- waste advisory
- waste air purification
- waste amount
- waste analysis
- waste arising
- waste avoidance
- waste bag
- waste burning
- waste catalogue issued by the Länder Working Group Waste
- waste charge
- waste classification
- waste co-combustion
- waste co-firing
- waste co-incineration
- waste combustion
- waste combustion plant
- waste conditioning
- waste consultant
- waste consultation
- waste consulting
- waste crushing
- waste data
- waste disposal
- waste disposal act
- waste disposal charge
- waste disposal consultant
- waste disposal container
- waste disposal cost
- waste disposal costs
- waste disposal facility
- waste disposal industry
- waste disposal plan
- waste disposal plant
- waste disposal schema
- waste disposal scheme
- waste disposal site
- waste dump
- waste electrical and electronic equipment
- waste examination
- waste exchange
- waste from electrical and electronic products
- waste from the extractive industries
- waste gas
- waste gas dispersion
- waste gas examination
- waste gas expansion
- waste gas line
- waste gas treatment
- waste gasification
- waste glass collection
- waste grinding
- waste heat power station
- waste heat recovery
- waste heat register
- waste heating station
- waste incineration
- waste incineration at sea
- waste incineration plant
- waste incineration power plant
- waste incinerator
- waste incinerator plant
- waste interim storage
- waste lamp
- waste lamp disposal
- waste legislation
- waste levy
- waste liquor
- waste lye
- waste management legislation
- waste management plan
- waste management planning
- waste marketing
- waste minimisation
- waste mix
- waste of resources
- waste oil incineration
- waste oil reclamation
- waste paper reclamation
- waste paper recovery
- waste paper recycling quota
- waste paper reuse
- waste paper sorting plant
- waste power station
- waste prevention
- waste processing
- waste pulverisation
- waste pyrolysis
- waste reduction
- waste removal
- waste removal industry
- waste reutilisation
- waste sack
- waste shredding
- waste skip
- waste solidification
- waste sorting unit
- waste statistics
- waste storage
- waste survey
- waste temporary storage
- waste to recovered fuel
- waste transport
- waste transportation
- waste treatment
- waste water filter
- waste water heat
- waste water levy
- waste water pollution
- waste water purification
- waste water purification plant
- waste water reclamation
- waste water register
- waste water sludge
- waste water statistics
- waste water system
- waste water tax
- waste wood recycling
- waste yield
- waste-fed heating and power plant
- waste-fed heating plant
- waste-fed power station
- waste-legal product responsibility
Usage Notes
Editorial notes
Text Analysis
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Change Notes
Initial version
fo on 2007-02-11
Last change
Barbara Fock on 2019-11-20