environment Benennung
DefGEMET: A concept which includes all aspects of the surroundings of humanity, affecting individuals and social groupings. The European Union has defined the environment as 'the combination of elements whose complex interrelationships make up the settings, the surroundings and the conditions of life of the individual and of society, as they are or as they are felt'. The environment thus includes the built environment, the natural environment and all natural resources, including air, land and water. It also includes the surroundings of the workplace. (Source: GILP96)
Substantiv (der)Wortstamm
environment, environmentsZusammengesetzt aus
Zusammengesetzt in
- Act on the Prevention of Harmful Effects on the Environment Caused by Air Pollution, Noise, Vibration and Similar Phenomena
- Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic
- Directive 2000/14/EC relating to the noise emission in the environment by equipment for use outdoors
- Directive on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment
- Directive on the assessment of the effects on the environment
- Directive on the protection of the environment, and in particular of the soil, when sewage sludge is used in agriculture
- Directive relating to the noise emission in the environment by equipment for use outdoors
- EU Environment Action Programme
- Integrated Environment Program
- Integrated Environment Programme
- United Nations Conference on Environment and Development
- abiotic environment
- alteration of the environment
- analysis of the environment
- artificial radioactivity in the environment
- basic rights concerning the environment
- biodiversity in the marine environment
- burden on the environment
- care of the environment
- change of the environment
- chemical load on the environment
- concept of environment
- contamination of the environment
- data on the state of the environment
- directive on the deliberate release of genetically modified organisms into the environment
- entry in the environment
- environment friendly
- environment index
- environment market
- environment observation
- environment policy
- environment protection program
- environment protection programme
- environment related marketing
- environment-friendliness
- environment-friendly building
- environment-related health protection
- extraterrestrial environment
- freshwater environment
- global environment conservation
- global environment protection
- harmful impact to the environment
- harmful to the environment
- hazardous to the environment
- integrative environment protection
- maintenance of environment
- marine environment monitoring
- marine environment protection
- microplastics in the environment
- ordinance for the conservation of a clean environment
- pollution of the environment
- preservation of the environment
- pressure on the environment
- protection of the environment
- protection of the environment and of health
- state of the environment data
- statistics on the environment
- technical environment protection
- terrestrial environment
- threat to the marine environment
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Benennung ohne TextanalysefunktionÜbersetzungsstatus
Übersetzung geprüftQuellenangabe
Initiale Version
fo am 11.02.2007
Letzte Änderung
Barbara Fock am 01.03.2023