noise Benennung
DefGEMET: Sound which is unwanted, either because of its effects on humans, its effect on fatigue or malfunction of physical equipment, or its interference with the perception or detection of other sounds. (Source: MGH)
Substantiv (der)Wortstamm
noise, noisesZusammengesetzt aus
Zusammengesetzt in
- Act for Protection against Aircraft Noise
- Act for the Protection against Harmful Environmental Effects Caused by Air Pollution, Noise, Vibration and Similar Factors
- Act on the Prevention of Harmful Effects on the Environment Caused by Air Pollution, Noise, Vibration and Similar Phenomena
- Air Traffic Noise Act
- Directive 2000/14/EC relating to the noise emission in the environment by equipment for use outdoors
- Directive 86/188/EEC on the protection of workers from the risks related to exposure to noise at work
- Effective Perceived Noise Level
- Environmental Noise Directive
- European Environmental Noise Directive
- European directive on noise protection
- General Administrative Regulation on Building Noise Abatement
- Lawn Mower Noise Ordinance
- Noise Emission Directive 2000/14/EC
- Noise at Work Directive
- Occupational Health and Safety Ordinance on Noise and Vibration
- Ordinance on the Prevention of Noise from Sports Facilities
- Ordinance on the Protection against Noise from Equipment and Machinery
- Traffic Noise Protection Regulation
- aerodynamic noise
- aeroplane noise
- air traffic noise
- aircraft noise assessment
- aircraft noise measurement
- aircraft noise monitoring
- aircraft noise reduction
- airplane noise
- animal noise
- average noise level
- background noise
- background noise level
- big city noise
- cavitation noise
- commercial and industrial noise
- construction noise
- construction site noise
- continuous noise
- daily life noise
- domestic noise
- effect of aircraft noise
- effect of nocturnal aircraft noise
- effective perceived noise level
- environmental noise exposure
- environmental noise mapping
- equipment noise
- exposure to aircraft noise
- exposure to road traffic noise
- exposure to traffic noise
- flow noise
- footstep noise insulation
- guidelines for noise protection at roads
- health effects of noise
- helicopter noise
- impact noise
- impact noise insulation
- impact of aircraft noise
- infrasound noise immission
- intermittent noise
- landing noise
- large city noise
- lawn mower noise
- low-altitude flight noise
- low-frequency noise
- low-noise machinery
- low-noise road pavement
- low-noise road surface
- low-noise road surfacing
- low-noise roadway
- low-noise roadway surface
- machine noise
- motor traffic noise
- motorbike noise
- motorcycle noise
- night noise
- night time aircraft noise
- nightly noise
- nocturnal aircraft noise
- nocturnal noise
- noise abatement
- noise abatement equipment
- noise abatement installation
- noise action planning
- noise analysis
- noise annoyance
- noise assessment
- noise assessment method
- noise assessment procedure
- noise aware
- noise awareness
- noise barrier
- noise barrier wall
- noise conscious
- noise consciousness
- noise control
- noise control engineering
- noise control guideline
- noise control legislation
- noise data
- noise effect research
- noise emission
- noise emission data
- noise emission level
- noise evaluation
- noise evaluation method
- noise evaluation procedure
- noise from moving vehicles
- noise from sports facilities
- noise from stationary vehicles
- noise immission
- noise impact research
- noise intensity
- noise level
- noise mapping
- noise measurement
- noise mitigation
- noise monitoring
- noise nuisance
- noise pollutant
- noise pollution control
- noise prevention
- noise propagation
- noise protection engineering
- noise protection technique
- noise protection wall
- noise reduction
- noise remediation
- noise risk
- noise stress
- noise type
- noise-intensive
- occupational noise
- ocean noise
- operation noise
- pass-by noise
- planning for noise control
- point source of noise
- rail freight traffic noise
- rail noise
- rail traffic noise
- railroad noise
- railway traffic noise
- reduction of air-traffic noise
- road and rail traffic noise
- road traffic noise
- road transport noise
- road-tyre noise
- road/tyre noise
- ship noise
- shipping noise
- shooting noise
- statistical noise level
- technical noise reduction
- traffic noise abatement
- traffic noise reduction
- tyre noise
- tyre-road noise
- tyre/road noise
- undersea noise
- undersea noise pollution
- vehicle noise
- weekday noise
- workaday noise
- workplace noise
Redaktionelle Anmerkungen
Benennung mit TextanalysefunktionÜbersetzungsstatus
Übersetzung geprüftQuellenangaben
Äquivalenz zu "Lärm": ISO 5843-5:1990-05 englischer Titel: Aerospace; list of equivalent terms; part 5; environmental and operating conditions for aircraft equipment.
Äquivalenz zu "Geräusch": ... DIN 1320:2009-12 Deutscher Titel: Akustik - Begriffe). Englisch bevorzugt: noise (Quelldokument DIN 1320:2009-12 englischer Titel: Acoustics - Terminology)
Initiale Version
am 11.02.2007
Letzte Änderung
Joachim Fock am 10.04.2019