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- 26th Ordinance on the Implementation of the Federal Emission Protection Law
- Act Concerning Supplemental Provisions on Appeals in Environmental Matters
- Act implementing the Council Directive No 98/8/EG of 16 February 1998 on the circulation of biocide products
- Act on Energy Statistics
- Act on Managing Water Resources
- Act on Nature Conservation and Landscape Management
- Act on Public Participation in Environmental Matters
- Act on labelling of energy-consuming products, motor vehicles and tyres with indication of energy consumption and other important resources
- Act on the Assessment of Environmental Impacts
- Act on the Disposal of Animal Carcasses
- Act on the Disposal of End-of-Life Vehicles
- Act on the Introduction of Distance-Related Charges for the Use of Federal Motorways by Heavy Goods Vehicles
- Act on the Prevention of Harmful Effects on the Environment Caused by Air Pollution, Noise, Vibration and Similar Phenomena
- Act on the Protection against Hazardous Substances
- Act on the Transport of Dangerous Goods
- Act on the introduction of project-based mechanisms in accordance with the Kyoto Protocol, the implementation of Directive 2004/101/EC and the amendment of the Heat-Power Cogeneration Act
- Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds
- Agreement on the Conservation of Small Cetaceans of the Baltic, North East Atlantic, Irish and North Seas
- CSD [UN Commission on Sustainable Development]
- Convention on Ballast Water
- Convention on Bidiversity
- Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution
- Convention on Nuclear Safety
- Convention on Third Party Liability in the Field of Nuclear Energy
- Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and other Matter
- Directive 2003/4/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council ... on public access to environmental information
- Directive 2006/32/EC on Energy End-Use Efficiency and Energy Services
- Directive 86/278/EEC on sewage sludge
- Directive on Energy End Use Efficiency and Energy Services
- Directive on Nitrate Pollution from Agricultural Sources
- Directive on Odour in Ambient Air
- Directive on environmental liability with regard to the prevention and remedying of environmental damage
- Directive on general product safety
- Directive on national emission ceilings
- Directive on public access to environmental information
- Directive on the Assessment and Management of Flood Risks
- Directive on the approximation of laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States relating to construction products
- Directive on the conservation of wild birds
- Directive on the eco-design of energy using products
- Directive on the geological storage of carbon dioxide
- EC Directive 90/313/EEC on the Freedom of Access to Environmental Information
- EC Directive on Biocides
- EU Directive on the overall energy efficiency of buildings
- EU Directive on the promotion of electricity produced from renewable energy sources
- EU directive on lighting products in private households
- EU directive on the quality of water for human consumption
- EU regulation on detergents
- European Directive on Drinking Water
- European Directive on Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of Chemicals
- European directive on noise protection
- European directive on overall energy efficiency of buildings
- Framework Directive on Waste
- General Administrative Regulation on Building Noise Abatement
- Geneva Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution
- German Ordinance on the Transfer, Collection and Environmentally Sound Disposal of End-of-life Vehicles
- Guideline on Odour in Ambient Air
- International Convention on Ballast Water
- International Convention on Biodiversity
- Law on the New Regulation of Conservation and Landscape Protection
- Law on the New Regulation of Water Law
- Multi-Pollutant Protocol under the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution
- Ordinance on Chlorine and Bromide Compounds as Fuel Additives
- Ordinance on Civil Defence Installations
- Ordinance on District Heating
- Ordinance on Evidence of Registration and Testing
- Ordinance on Fuel Consumption Labelling for Cars
- Ordinance on Generation of Electricity from Biomass
- Ordinance on Immission Values for Atmospheric Pollutants
- Ordinance on Long Distance Pipelines
- Ordinance on Offshore Installations Seaward of the Limit of the German Territorial Sea
- Ordinance on Pollution Protection Officers
- Ordinance on Protection of the Antarctic Area
- Ordinance on Requirements Pertaining to Sustainable Production of Bioliquids for Electricity Production
- Ordinance on Small Firing Installations
- Ordinance on Surfactants
- Ordinance on Waste Oils
- Ordinance on electromagnetic fields
- Ordinance on inland and transboundary transport of hazardous goods by road, by rail and by inland waterways
- Ordinance on maximum residue limits of pesticides and fertilizer, and other substances in and on foodstuffs and tobacco
- Ordinance on obligations, pursuant to article 16e of the Chemicals Act, to provide notification: preventing poisoning and providing information in cases of poisoning
- Ordinance on the Monitoring of Wastes and Residues
- Ordinance on the Prohibition of Certain Chemicals
- Ordinance on the Requirements Pertaining to the Recovery and Disposal of Waste Wood
- Ordinance on the ban of PCB and PCT
- Ordinance on the execution of regulations of the European Community on substances and preparations
- Ordinance on the maximum phosphate content in detergent and cleaning agents
- Ordinance on the protection of surface waters
- Ordinance on the reduction of summer smog, acidification and nutrient inputs
- Ordinance on the transportation of dangerous goods on inland waterways
- Paris Convention on Nuclear Liability
- Protocol to the 1979 Convention on long-range transboundary air pollution
- Regulation concerning the transport of dangerous goods on inland waterways
- Seventeenth Ordinance on the Implementation of the Federal Immission Control Act
- Twenty-second Ordinance on the implementation of the Federal Immission Control Act [Ordinance on Immission Values]
- UN Commission on Sustainable Development
- UN Convention on the Law of the Sea
- United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development
- United Nations Conference on Environment and Development
- Washington Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species
- administrative regulation on substances hazardous to water
- arrangement for a deposit on packaging
- ban on exports
- ban on fishing
- ban on flights
- ban on incandescent light bulbs
- ban on incineration
- ban on night flights
- ban on sale
- ban on sewage application to soil
- chemical load on the environment
- chemical stress on the biosphere
- criminal law on environmental matters
- data on the state of the environment
- effect on man
- embargo on commerce
- encroachment on nature and landscape
- federal law on epidemics
- federal law on waterways
- further outlook on weather condition
- impact on fertility
- inquiry on waste
- law on dangerous goods railway transport
- law on dangerous goods transportation by sea
- law on dangerous substances
- law on disaster control
- law on inland navigation of oritical substances
- law on inland navigation of risky matter
- law on transportation of endangered matter by road
- legislation on pollution
- levy on land
- on-the-site process
- ordinance on end-of-life electric and electronic equipment
- permission based on immission control law
- permit based on nature protection law
- prohibition on selling
- regulation on privileges for EMAS organisations
- report on forest damage
- restriction on trade
- restriction on use
- statistics on accidents
- statistics on the environment
- tax on consumption
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Übersetzung geprüftQuellenangaben
Initiale Version
fo am 08.03.1994
Letzte Änderung
Barbara Fock am 21.11.2019