ordinance Benennung
DefGEMET: A rule established by authority; a permanent rule of action; a law or statute. In its most common meaning, the term is used to designate the enactment of the legislative body. (Source: WESTS)
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ordinance, ordinancesZusammengesetzt aus
Zusammengesetzt in
- 16th Federal Immission Control Ordinance
- 18th Federal Immission Control Ordinance
- 24th Federal Immission Control Ordinance
- 26th Ordinance on the Implementation of the Federal Emission Protection Law
- 32nd Federal Immission Control Ordinance
- Bee Protection Ordinance
- Biological Agents Ordinance
- Biomass Electricity Sustainability Ordinance
- Biomass Ordinance
- CFC/Halon Prohibition Ordinance
- Chemical Ozone Layer Ordinance
- Chemicals Ban Ordinance
- Chemicals Climate Protection Ordinance
- Chemicals Export Penalty Ordinance
- Chemicals Prohibition Ordinance
- Dangerous Goods Ordinance Road and Rail
- Drinking Water Ordinance
- EMAS Privileges Ordinance
- Eco-Account Ordinance
- End-of-Life Vehicle Ordinance
- Energy Consumption Labelling Ordinance
- Energy Saving Ordinance
- Federal Immission Control Ordinance
- Firing Installation Ordinance
- Gas Network Access Ordinance
- Genetic Engineering Safety Ordinance
- German Ordinance on the Transfer, Collection and Environmentally Sound Disposal of End-of-life Vehicles
- German Surfactant Ordinance
- German Surfactants Ordinance
- Ground Water Ordinance
- Guarantees of Origin Ordinance
- Hazardous Goods Transport Ordinance - Road, Rail and Inland Waterways
- Hazardous Incident Ordinance
- Heating Costs Ordinance
- Heating Installations Ordinance
- Heating Systems Ordinance
- Immission Protection Ordinance
- Incentive Regulation Ordinance
- Installation Register Ordinance
- Landfill Ordinance
- Landscape Protection Ordinance
- Lawn Mower Noise Ordinance
- Major Accidents Ordinance
- Nuclear Financial Security Ordinance
- Nuclear Safety Officer and Reporting Ordinance
- Occupational Health and Safety Ordinance on Noise and Vibration
- Offshore Installations Ordinance
- Ordinance Concerning the Financial Security Pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act
- Ordinance Concerning the Use of Plant Protection Products Hazardous to Bee
- Ordinance Governing Specialist Qualifications in Plant Protection
- Ordinance Regulating Pipeline Installations
- Ordinance offsetting upstream emission reductions against the greenhouse gas quota
- Ordinance on Ambient Air Quality Standards and Emission Ceilings
- Ordinance on Chlorine and Bromide Compounds as Fuel Additives
- Ordinance on Civil Defence Installations
- Ordinance on Company Waste Officers
- Ordinance on District Heating
- Ordinance on Evidence of Registration and Testing
- Ordinance on Fuel Consumption Labelling for Cars
- Ordinance on Generation of Electricity from Biomass
- Ordinance on Guarantees of Origin for Electricity from Renewable Energy Sources
- Ordinance on Hazardous Incidents
- Ordinance on Hazardous Substances
- Ordinance on Immission Values for Atmospheric Pollutants
- Ordinance on Incineration Plants for Waste and Similar Combustible Materials
- Ordinance on Installations Requiring a Permit
- Ordinance on Installations for the Handling of Substances Hazardous to Water
- Ordinance on Landfills and Long-Term Storage Facilities
- Ordinance on Large Firing Installations
- Ordinance on Long Distance Pipelines
- Ordinance on Maximum Amounts of Phosphates in Washing and Cleansing Agents
- Ordinance on Nature Conservation
- Ordinance on Nature Conservation
- Ordinance on Offshore Installations Seaward of the Limit of the German Territorial Sea
- Ordinance on Pollution Protection Officers
- Ordinance on Protection against Damage and Injuries Caused by Ionizing Radiation
- Ordinance on Protection of the Antarctic Area
- Ordinance on Requirements Pertaining to Sustainable Production of Bioliquids for Electricity Production
- Ordinance on Requirements for the Discharge of Waste Water into Waters
- Ordinance on Safety and Health Protection at Workplaces Involving Biological Agents
- Ordinance on Small Combustion Plants
- Ordinance on Small Firing Installations
- Ordinance on Small and Medium-Sized Firing Installations
- Ordinance on Surfactants
- Ordinance on Waste Oils
- Ordinance on authorization and approval procedure for plant protection products
- Ordinance on climate protection against changes caused by release of certain fluorinated greenhouse gases
- Ordinance on electromagnetic fields
- Ordinance on inland and transboundary transport of hazardous goods by road, by rail and by inland waterways
- Ordinance on maximum residue levels
- Ordinance on maximum residue limits
- Ordinance on maximum residue limits of pesticides and fertilizer, and other substances in and on foodstuffs and tobacco
- Ordinance on notification and authorization procedure for collectors, transporters, dealers and brokers of waste
- Ordinance on obligations, pursuant to article 16e of the Chemicals Act, to provide notification: preventing poisoning and providing information in cases of poisoning
- Ordinance on the Expertise and Reliability of Immission Control Officers
- Ordinance on the Limitation of Emissions of Hydrocarbons During Fueling of Vehicles
- Ordinance on the Management of Waste Wood
- Ordinance on the Monitoring of Wastes and Residues
- Ordinance on the Nuclear Safety Officer and the Reporting of Accidents and other Events
- Ordinance on the Prevention of Noise from Sports Facilities
- Ordinance on the Prohibition of Certain Chemicals
- Ordinance on the Prohibition of certain Ozone-depleting Halogenated Hydrocarbons
- Ordinance on the Protection against Noise from Equipment and Machinery
- Ordinance on the Requirements Pertaining to the Recovery and Disposal of Waste Wood
- Ordinance on the Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment
- Ordinance on the Transfrontier Movement of Waste
- Ordinance on the Transfrontier Shipment of Waste
- Ordinance on the ban of PCB and PCT
- Ordinance on the execution of regulations of the European Community on substances and preparations
- Ordinance on the maximum permissible quantities of solvents in foodstuffs
- Ordinance on the maximum phosphate content in detergent and cleaning agents
- Ordinance on the protection of surface waters
- Ordinance on the reduction of summer smog, acidification and nutrient inputs
- Ordinance on the transportation of dangerous goods on inland waterways
- Ordinance pertaining to the recovery of waste at surface landfills and amending the Commercial Wastes Ordinance
- Pipeline Ordinance
- Plant Protection Seeds Application Ordinance
- Plant Protection Use Ordinance
- Recovery of Waste at Surface Landfills Ordinance
- Seventeenth Ordinance Implementing the Federal Immission Control Act
- Seventeenth Ordinance on the Implementation of the Federal Immission Control Act
- Smog Ordinance
- Surfactant Ordinance
- Surfactants Ordinance
- Tar Oil Ordinance
- Thermal Insulation Ordinance
- Thirtieth Federal Immission Control Ordinance
- Thirtythird Federal Immission Control Ordinance
- Traffic Noise Ordinance
- Twenty-second Ordinance on the implementation of the Federal Immission Control Act [Ordinance on Immission Values]
- Used Paper Ordinance
- Waste Paper Ordinance
- Waste Water Ordinance
- Waste Wood Ordinance
- X-ray Ordinance
- explosives ordinance
- novel food ordinance
- ordinance for the conservation of a clean environment
- ordinance on end-of-life electric and electronic equipment
- thirty-fourth Federal Immission Control Ordinance
- thirty-second federal immission control ordinance
- twenty-seventh federal immission control ordinance
- used appliance ordinance
- used device ordinance
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Benennung ohne TextanalysefunktionÜbersetzungsstatus
Übersetzung geprüftQuellenangabe
Initiale Version
foba am 08.03.1994
Letzte Änderung
Barbara Fock am 18.04.2023