

Alternative Label of



Environmental statistics in Europe: Facts and figures on the environment: from environmental taxes to water resources, Europe, Eurostat, environment, environmental statistic

Same spelling in use by the following Labels:

German federal government's first environment programme, Overcultivation in Europe, EEA report: Air quality in Europe 2013, WWF EU sniffer dog programme, Environment State and Outlook report — SOER 2010 —released, European Commission fights back against illegal waste shipments, Agriculture and its environmental impact: Federal Environment Agency present compact collection of data, Environmental matters: European Commission takes Germany to Court over Access to Justice, Study reveals startling decline in European birds, Vitoria-Gasteiz – European Green Capital 2012, Nantes – European Green Capital 2013, Stockholm: European Green Capital 2010, Hamburg - European Green Capital 2011, The first meeting of the European Marine World Heritage, Cyanide mining technologies should be banned in the EU, European Natura 2000 Award, EUA Report "Water resources across Europe — confronting water scarcity and drought", International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict, 11,000 alien species invade Europe - A comprehensive overview, Climate Change in Europe - New report released by the European Environment Agency, Natura 2000 network expanded, Greendex 2009: Consumer Choice and the Environment, Ergebnisse zur EU Bodenbedeckung und Bodennutzung zum ersten Mal veröffentlicht, Results on EU land cover and use published for the first time, European Parliament rejected calls to ban deepwater drilling in Europe's waters, Jülich scientists conduct research on climate in Europe using Zeppelin NT, European Red List of Birds launch, Impacts of Europe's changing climate, Stress tests for Europe's atomic power plants, SOER 2015 — The European environment — state and outlook 2015, Commission review gives Member States a ‘must do better’ report for Marine Strategies, Umweltstatistiken in Europa: Daten und Fakten über die Umwelt: von Umweltsteuern bis Wasserressourcen, Europe's dragonflies, beetles and butterflies under threat, Populations of grassland butterflies decline almost 50 % over two decades, European Commission launches public debate on protecting Europe's forests against climate change, First Digital Map on Land Cover in Europe, Europe’s amphibians and reptiles under threat, World Environment Day, Geschützte Gebiete in der EU wachsen, Study: Electricity consumption in Europe will shift under climate change, Mapping the sources and level of air pollution in Europe: Commission publishes new Air Quality Index and Atlas, Ancient ferns highly threatened in Europe – IUCN Red List