

Alternative Label of



UN Environment Conference in Stockholm, UN, Environment, Conference, Stockholm

Same spelling in use by the following Labels:

Conference, Greenpeace demonstration at the Berlin Climate Conference, First European Conference on Environment and Health, Second European Conference on Environment and Health, 3rd European Conference on Environment and Health, UN-Umweltkonferenz in Stockholm, First UN World Population Conference in Bucharest, First UN World Population Conference in Mexico, UN World Population Conference (International Conference on Population and Development) in Cairo, World Food Conference in Rome, EEC Report on the State of the Environment, EEC Report on the State of the Environment, Year of the Environment, EU Report on the State of the Environment, First report by the German Environment Ministry's Advisory Scientific Council, German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Protection and Reactor Safety, Weltwasserwoche in Stockholm, World Water Week Stockholm, Alternativer Nobelpreis 2009 für Klimaschutz, Right Livelihood Award 2009 for Climate Protection, Alternativer Nobelpreis 2015, Right Livelihood Award 2015 for Climate Protection, Stockholm ist die Grüne Hauptstadt 2010, Stockholm: European Green Capital 2010, Vorstellung des Berichts des Weltklimarats IPCC in Stockholm, IPCC releases the Fifth Assessment Report (AR5), UN setzt unabhängiges Aufsichtsgremium für den Weltklimarat ein, Stockholm und Hamburg erste „Grüne Hauptstädte Europas”, Stockholm and Hamburg win first European Green Capital awards, 1st Asia Ministerial Conference (AMC) on Tiger Conservation