

Preferred Label of

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EU cars to reduce CO2 emissions, CO2, CO2 emissions of new cars, Transport policy, climate protection, emission limits

Same spelling in use by the following Labels:

Climate goals in Germany, Kiel: CO2 arme Autos parken gebührenfrei, Kiel offers free parking for low-emission cars, Umweltausschuss will niedrigere Emissionsgrenzen für Neuwagen, Governor Brown Signs Landmark Climate Legislation, Paris Agreement enters into force, Federal Government makes 35 million euros available for forest climate fund, Conserving continuous forests is important for mitigation of climate change, Pakistan ordered to enforce climate law by Lahore court, 22th UN Climate Conference (COP22 | CMP12), Parliament backs emission curbs for off-road machinery, Twentieth UN Climate Conference (COP 20 | CMP 10), Parliament adopts CO2 market stability reserve, UBA veröffentlicht Bericht zu vermiedenen Emissionen durch den Einsatz erneuerbarer Energien im Jahr 2007, UBA publishes report on emissions saved through use of renewable energies in 2007, Recast of the Directive on Energy Performance of Buildings, Seventh Petersberg Climate Dialogue, Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen enthüllen Klima-Uhr im Bundestag, Sixteenth UN Climate Change Conference Cancun (COP 16 / CMP 6), Aktionsprogramm Klimaschutz 2020 beschlossen, 2030 climate and energy policy framework, Kabinett verabschiedet CCS-Gesetz, Cabinet adopts CCS act, Supreme Court blocks EPA's air pollution rules for power plants, Nineteenth UN Climate Conference in Warsaw (COP 19 / CMP 9), Deutschland tritt der Initiative "Zero Routine Flaring by 2030" bei, Right Livelihood Award 2009 for Climate Protection, CO2 reaches tops 400 ppm, Thirteen US companies sign on to White House climate change pledge, Fossil of the Day to Germany at COP22, Germany increases support for forest protection, Bericht: Globale Emissionstrend 2012, Report: Trends in Global CO2 Emissions 2012, USA und China einigen sich auf Klimaziele, The U.S. and China Just Announced Important New Actions to Reduce Carbon Pollution, European Parliament keeps carbon prices low, President Obama's Clean Power Plan, Schleswig-Holstein: Kabinett beschließt CCS-Gesetzentwurf, US Bundesstaat Kalifornien erhöht sein Klimaziel, Jerry Brown orders big cut in greenhouse gases by 2030, Climate protection through conservation of mangroves in the South Pacific, Eisendüngung bindet nur wenig CO2, Ocean fertilization will not help to reduce CO² levels, Developing countries accept 2-degree goal, Greenpeace veröffentlicht Karte mit potentiellen CO2-Lagerstätten, Eighteenth UN Climate Change Conference, Doha (COP 18 / CMP 8), Bonn climate negotiations: Implementation phase of Paris Agreement begins, 2009 shows 8.4% decline in greenhouse gas emissions, Global citizen consultation on climate action, Green Climate Fund ‘ready’ to start work, New fund a major boost for Amazon protection, Deutsche Meereswissenschaftler unterstreichen im Vorfeld der Weltklimakonferenz die Bedeutung der Ozeane, 400 ppm auch am Südpol gemessen, South Pole is last place on Earth to pass global warming milestone, CO2 Emissions Jump to Record Levels, Netherlands State ordered to further limit greenhouse gas emissions, World's first eHighway opens in Sweden, Survey on Environmental Awareness in Germany 2010, Jjoint study by BMU, UBA and BDE: Climate protection potential of waste industry, Kohlenstoffkarte für den Amazonas, Italienisches Gericht verurteilt Manager wegen Umweltverschmutzung zu Haftstrafen, Continental Church Appeal to COP 21 Negotiating Panel, The assessment of climate change mitigation cost is going to be improved., Emissions Reduction Fund legislation passed by Australian Senate, 21th UN Climate Conference (COP21 | CMP11), People's Climate March, Faith Commitments for a Living Planet, Launch of a World Energy Outlook Special Report, Redrawing the Energy-Climate Map, EU-Parlament stimmt für Reform des Emissionshandels, NRW cabinet adopts climate protection act, Blue Angel for Climate-Relevant Products, Einigung über CO2-Grenzwerte bei PKW, Singapur führt CO₂-Steuer in 2019 ein, G7 Summit ends without agreement on climate change, Erste kommerzielle CO2-Filteranlage der Welt ist in Betrieb gegangen, The world’s first commercially operational plant capturing CO2 from the atmosphere