

Alternative Label of



German federal government's first environment programme, German, federal, government's, first, environment, programme

Same spelling in use by the following Labels:

Export of German toxic waste, Export of German toxic waste, German Reunification Transport Projects, Germany's first "Environmental Field Hospitals", First European Environmental Action programme, Second European Environmental Action programme, Third European Environmental Action programme, Fourth European Environmental Action programme, Fifth European Environmental Action programme, German Reunification, First report by the German Environment Ministry's Advisory Scientific Council, German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU), German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Protection and Reactor Safety, Neue Unterstützung der EU für die Bekämpfung des illegalen Tötens von Elefanten und anderen gefährdeten Arten in den Entwicklungsländern, Environment State and Outlook report — SOER 2010 —released, European Commission fights back against illegal waste shipments, Agriculture and its environmental impact: Federal Environment Agency present compact collection of data, 2015 German Federal Ecodesign Award, Environmental matters: European Commission takes Germany to Court over Access to Justice, International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict, The first Lynx Path in Germany, Greendex 2009: Consumer Choice and the Environment, SOER 2015 — The European environment — state and outlook 2015, Afghanistan creates its first internationally recognized national park, Environmental statistics in Europe: Facts and figures on the environment: from environmental taxes to water resources, First European Climate Teach-in Day, OneGeology: The first digital geological map of the world, World Environment Day