

Alternative Label of



The Environment Council adopts a statement on Endocrine disruptors, EU, EU Ministers of Environment, Environment Council , European Commission, endocrine disruptors, statement

Same spelling in use by the following Labels:

EU, EU, Richtlinie 96/61/EG des Rates über die integrierte Vermeidung und Verminderung der Umweltverschmutzung., EU Commission guideline 96/61/EEC on the integrated avoidance and reduction of pollution, Bericht der EU über den Zustand der Umwelt, Bericht der EU über den Zustand der Umwelt, Bericht der EU über den Zustand der Umwelt, EU Report on the State of the Environment, Dobris-Bericht der EU, Dobris Report to the EU, Commission creates two new Directorates-General for Energy and Climate Action, EU fördert Abholzung im Tropischen Regenwald, The EU’s complicity in illegal tropical deforestation, European Parliament calls Commission to order over endocrine disruptors, European Commission authorises three genetically modified soybeans for food/feed uses, Commission proposes a single 'A to G' energy label, Beitritt der EU zu CITES, EU becomes a party to CITES, European Commission proposes that EU support ban on international trade in Atlantic bluefin tuna, Agreement on Common Fisheries Policy reform, Commission urges Germany to take more action against nitrate pollution in water, Commission authorises Portuguese demonstration scheme for ocean energy technologies, Commission authorises 17 GMOs for food/feed uses and 2 GM carnations, Majority of EU countries support partial ban of bee-killing pesticides, The German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina issues a critical statement on the use of bioenergy, Emissions trading: EU ETS emissions fall more than 11% in 2009, European Commission welcomes the 7th Environment Action Programme becoming law, Commission sets out criteria for good environmental status for Europe's seas, Commission proposes to improve common greenhouse gas accounting rules for forestry and agriculture, Commission refers GERMANY to the Court of Justice of the EU over water pollution caused by nitrates, New maps give Europeans close-up picture of air pollution from diffuse sources, EU Handelsverbot mit Robbenprodukte tritt in Kraft, EU ban on seal products trade goes into effect, European Commission proposes to ban phosphates in laundry detergents, European Commission announces 2020 CO2 reduction targets, European Commission to provide €250 million for more than 200 new LIFE+ projects, EU-wide restrictions on Pesticide use to enter into force on 1 December, European Commission sets the rules for allocation of free emissions allowances to airlines, Umweltausschuss stimmt CO2-Grenzen für leichte Nutzfahrzeuge zu, Environment Committee CO2 emissions: cleaner vans by 2020, Commission urges Germany to correctly apply EU nature protection requirements in relation to a coal power plant in Hamburg/Moorburg, Council rejects biofuel compromise, Chemical method replaces biological process for detecting marine biotoxins, EU Reference Laboratory (EURL) for bee health, Bristol European Green Capital 2015, Environmental matters: European Commission takes Germany to Court over Access to Justice, LIFE+ 2011: European Commission provides €268.4 million for 202 new environment projects, Green Paper "A 2030 framework for climate and energy policies", Emergency Response Centre: for a faster and more efficient European response to disasters, Revised European radiation protection directive adopted, EU-gefördertes Projekt unterstützt Kartierung der Umweltverschmutzung, EU funded project helps to map pollution, Guidelines to reconcile wind energy development and biodiversity policy, Commission sets up system for certifying sustainable biofuels, EU stoppt Thunfischfang im Mittelmeer vorzeitig, Halbzeitbewertung der EU-Biodiversitätsstrategie veröffentlicht, BirdLife Europe releases the mid-term assessment of the EU Biodiversity strategy, EU-Projekt ECO2 unter der Leitung des IFM-GEOMAR gestartet, EU-project ECO2 led by IFM-GEOMAR started, GMOs: Member States to be given full responsibility on cultivation in their territories, Germany warned over failure to notify legislation on water quality standards and on a strategy to protect its seas, Commission announces new strategy to halt biodiversity loss within ten years, EU Commission confirms withdrawal of 73 pending proposals announced in 2015 work programme, Ban on seal products in the EU, Bericht „Arktischer Fußabdruck und Politikbewertung der EU“ wurde veröffentlicht, Erste Europäische Woche für nachhaltige Energie (EU Sustainable Energy Week - EUSEW), First EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW), EU beschließt endgültiges Aus für klassische Glühbirnen, EU to phase out energy-guzzling light bulbs, Commission adopts rules to reduce electricity consumption of external power supplies, European Commission adopted a proposal for a Regulation concerning the placing on the market and use of biocidal products, The European Commission proposes a new Regulation for the sustainable management of Baltic salmon, EU renewable energy policy post-2020, EU: Abfall-Statistik: Eine halbe Tonne kommunaler Abfälle pro Person in der EU27 im Jahr 2007, EU: Waste Statistics: Half a ton of municipal waste generated per person in the EU27 in 2007, Commission welcomes adoption of climate and energy package, Tierversuchsverbot für Kosmetika tritt EU-weit in Kraft, Animal testing ban come into force in the European Union, European Commission joins Climate and Clean Air Coalition, New policy package to clean up Europe's air, European Commission launches platform to help resolve social conflicts over large carnivores, European Commission provisionally rejects ’My voice against nuclear power’, Environment: Commission refers Germany to Court over coal power plant in Moorburg, Green groups: European Commission off target, European Commission launches Strategy to boost development of Baltic Sea Region, Commission warns Philippines and Papua New Guinea over insufficient action to fight illegal fishing, New financial instruments for environment, energy efficiency and climate action projects, New EU measures on import of hunting trophies to fight against illegal and unsustainable practices, EU mebers states fail to agree on glyphosate extension, European Commission proposes a higher energy savings target for 2030, Neue Effizienzstandards für Computer, New energy efficiency requirements for computers, Commission sets out the path to resource-efficient growth, Expert group report: Alternative fuels could replace fossil fuels in Europe by 2050, Commission launches flagship initiative for sustainable growth, New EU Action to protect biodiversity against problematic invasive species, REACH: EU verbietet Cadmium in Schmuck, in Legierungen zum Löten und in PVC, Chemicals/REACH: EU to ban cadmium in jewellery, brazing sticks and all plastics, Rat der EU beschließt Beschränkung von Phosphaten in Waschmitteln, A new regulation to restrict the phosphates in detergents by the Council, Ljubljana European Green Capital 2016, Commission registers 'People4Soil' European Citizens' Initiative, European Commission adopted its Work Programme for 2015, European Commission sets out strategy to curb CO2 emissions from heavy-duty vehicles, EU 100-Watt-Glühbirnenverbot tritt in Kraft, Neues EU-Logo für Bioprodukte, New logo for all EU organic products, Commission refers Germany to the Court of Justice of the EU over failure to apply Directive on mobile air conditioning, Exclusion of water from the Concessions Directive, Ministers approve EU ratification of Paris Agreement, Essen European Green Capital 2017, Europäische GHS-VO in Kraft getreten, EU-GHS entered into force, EU prepares the way for a quick ratification of Paris Agreement, Commission presents scientific criteria to identify endocrine disruptors in the pesticides and biocides areas, Complaint to the European Commission concerning the Nord Stream gas pipeline, Monitoring the CO2 emissions from new passenger cars in the EU: data for the year 2008, Commission launches Action Plan to crack down on wildlife trafficking, Major EU countries join fight to protect European Nature Laws, Joint statement on the Japanese nuclear disaster, Transport 2050: Commission outlines ambitious plan to increase mobility and reduce emissions, Energy: Commission presents its strategy towards 2020, Commission decides on deductions of fishing quotas for 2012, Commission adopts a major extension of the Natura 2000 network, Agreement on biodiversity in the Council, Emissions trading: Commission adopts decision on how free allowances should be allocated from 2013, New EU initiative to protect biodiversity and fight wildlife crime, First Natura 2000 Award winners announced, First EU sustainability schemes for biofuels get the go-ahead, European Commission adopts first EU list of invasive alien species, 2030 climate and energy goals for a competitive, secure and low-carbon EU economy, European Commission publish guidelines to limit soil sealing, European Commission adopts trade measures against Faroe Islands to protect the Atlanto-Scandian herring stock, EU verschiebt die Entscheidung um die Verlängerung der Glyphosatzulassung, EU delays glyphosate decision, European Commission launches public debate on protecting Europe's forests against climate change, ICOS ERIC inauguration ceremony held in Brussels, Autohersteller müssen Schadstoff-Ausstoß künftig unter realen Bedingungen messen lassen, Klima- und Energiepaket der EU tritt in Kraft, EU climate and energy package enter into force, EU votes for non-renewal of three herbicides, European Green Capital, Commission proposes tighter laws on ship breaking, EU Umweltrat verabschiedet Stellungnahme zu endokrinen Disruptoren, Commission seeks views on reducing plastic bag use, Das europäische Naturschutzrecht bleibt fit für die Zukunft, EU conservation legislation remains fit for the future, European Commission warns Germany of continued air pollution breaches, Urban water atlas for Europe, Commission warns Poland over increased logging in the Białowieża Forest, European Commission adopts a new Action Plan to improve the protection of nature and biodiversity in the EU, Germany has become the first country in the European Union (EU) to introduce a limit on uranium in drinking water, Nijmegen Green Capital 2018, Oslo European Green Capital 2019, Launch of the EU Platform on Animal Welfare, EU ergänzt Liste der invasiven Arten, New invasive alien species included to EU’s list, European Commission calls for immediate suspension of logging in Poland's Białowieża Forest, European Commission proposes a ban on Baltic Eel Fisheries, European Commission proposes a ban on Baltic Eel Fisheries, Mapping the sources and level of air pollution in Europe: Commission publishes new Air Quality Index and Atlas, EU verlängert Zulassung von Glyphosat um weitere fünf Jahre, Emissionshandel: Rückgang des CO2-Ausstoßes in der EU um 11% im Jahr 2009