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CITES approves one-off sale off ivory to be followed by moratorium, CITES, ivory, moratorium, one-off sale

Schreibweisen werden auch in folgenden Labels verwendet:

Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), Kenya burns 5 tons of illegal ivory, 2013: A bad year for elephants, Besserer Schutz für fünf Hai-Arten und die Gattung der Mantarochen tritt in Kraft, Stronger protection for five shark species and all manta rays, Beitritt der EU zu CITES, EU becomes a party to CITES, Washingtoner Artenschutzübereinkommen feiert 40 jähriges Bestehen, 40th anniversary of CITES, Ban on Commercial Whaling stays, EU-Projekt des WWF im Kampf gegen Artenschmuggler, France destroys illegal ivory, Greenland gets green light to hunt humpback whales, Germany is restarting exploration of potential nuclear storage site at Gorleben, Haie weltweit besser geschützt, Historic day for shark protection, German nuclear power plants to undergo safety review, Ivory burning in Gabon, Day of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, Moratorium on nuclear power ends, European Parliament rejected calls to ban deepwater drilling in Europe's waters, World Wildlife Tag, World Wildlife Day, 40 Jahre Artenschutz-Abkommen "CITES": Hendricks übernimmt Patenschaft für bedrohte Nashorn-Art, U.S. destroys confiscated ivory stockpile, Erster Welt-Elefanten-Tag, First Worl-Elephant-Day, China crushes 6 tons of confiscated ivory, E.ON suspends operation of its oldest nuclear power station Isar-1, Thailand seizes tons of African ivory