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Kenia launches national strategies for large carnivores, African wild dog, Kenia, cheetah, hyaena, large carnivores, leopard, lion, protection of species

Schreibweisen werden auch in folgenden Labels verwendet:

Kenia verbrennt 5 Tonnen illegales Elfenbein, Mass killing of Cameroons elephants, Greece has failed to fulfil its obligation to protect the sea turtle in the Bay of Kyparissia, International Polar Bear Day, New EU support to reduce illegal killing of elephants and other endangered species in developing countries, WWF EU sniffer dog programme, Lions are Critically Endangered in West Africa, Europeans Bison return to Germany, Tiger population increases 63 percent in Nepal, Vereinte Nationen werten ihr Umweltprogramm auf, Zwölfte UN-Klimakonferenz in Nairobi (COP 12 / CMP 2), Successful conservation efforts pay off for humpback whales, Russia announces new national park to protect Far Eastern Leopards, Global Protection Strategy Proposed for Endangered Sawfish, Kenia startet nationales Programm zum Artenschutz für große Raubtiere, World Wildlife Day, Madagascar pochards need new wetland home, Erste UN-Umweltversammlung beginnt in Nairobi, Kenia bittet um Millionen Hilfe beim Erhalt des Mau Forest, International Trade Ban to Protect Pangolins, International Conference to combat Illegal Wildlife Trade, MEPs vote to give rules against cruel shark practice extra bite, BirdLife asks Commission to take legal action over loss of farmland bird, Kenias Regierung verbrennt Elfenbein, Kenia setzt Verbot von Plastiktüten in Kraft