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Europe, European Red List of Lycopods and Ferns, International Union for Conservation of Nature, fern and lycopod species, IUCN

Schreibweisen werden auch in folgenden Labels verwendet:

Overcultivation in Europe, EEA report: Air quality in Europe 2013, Delacour-Zwergtaucher offiziell ausgestorben, Alaotra grebe confirmed extinct, WWF EU sniffer dog programme, Environment State and Outlook report — SOER 2010 —released, IUCN Rote Liste Update veröffentlicht, IUCN Red List Update, 18 Millionen Hektar neuer Wald, 18 million hectares new forest, IUCN veröffentlicht Europäische Liste gefährdeter Wildpflanzenarten, European Red List of Vascular Plants published, Internationaler Gipfel zum Schutz des Afrikanischen Elefanten, Schuppentiere laut Experten von der Ausrottung bedroht, The most traded wild mammal - the Pangolin - is being eaten to extinction, Elefanten auf Sumatra wegen Lebensraumverlust vom Aussterben bedroht, Habitat loss drives Sumatran elephants step closer to extinction, Schweizer Nationalpark feiert 100-jähriges Bestehen, Study reveals startling decline in European birds, Cacti among world’s most threatened species, Vitoria-Gasteiz – European Green Capital 2012, Nantes – European Green Capital 2013, Stockholm: European Green Capital 2010, Hamburg - European Green Capital 2011, The first meeting of the European Marine World Heritage, Cyanide mining technologies should be banned in the EU, European Natura 2000 Award, Red List of Threatened Species: Arabian Oryx, IUCN released a new list of the world's 25 most endangered primates, Okapi vom Aussterben bedroht, Forest giraffe joins growing number of threatened species, EUA Report "Water resources across Europe — confronting water scarcity and drought", 11,000 alien species invade Europe - A comprehensive overview, Climate Change in Europe - New report released by the European Environment Agency, Natura 2000 network expanded, IUCN stellt neue Rote Liste vor, IUCN Red List reveals world's mammals in crisis, Zahl der besonders stark gefährdeten Vögel auf der Roten Liste der IUCN steigt, More Critically Endangered birds on IUCN Red List than ever, Results on EU land cover and use published for the first time, European Parliament rejected calls to ban deepwater drilling in Europe's waters, Weltweiter Plan zur Rettung des Sägerochens vorgeschlagen, Global Protection Strategy Proposed for Endangered Sawfish, Jülich scientists conduct research on climate in Europe using Zeppelin NT, European Red List of Birds launch, Impacts of Europe's changing climate, IUCN Weltnaturschutzkongress auf Hawaii, IUCN World Conservation Congress in Hawaii, Nationalpark Kellerwald bekommt IUCN-Auszeichnung, Stress tests for Europe's atomic power plants, IUCN veröffentlicht neuestes Update der Roten Liste auf dem Weltnaturschutzkongress, IUCN erweitert die Rote Liste der gefährdeten Arten, Update of the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Latest update of The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™ released today at the IUCN World Conservation Congress, Commission review gives Member States a ‘must do better’ report for Marine Strategies, Environmental statistics in Europe: Facts and figures on the environment: from environmental taxes to water resources, Europe's dragonflies, beetles and butterflies under threat, Aktualisierte Rote Liste 2014 für Vogelarten, Updated 2014 Red List for birds, Überblick über den Zustand der Meeresfische im Mittelmeerraum, Overview of the Conservation Status of the Marine Fishes of the Mediterranean Sea, Populations of grassland butterflies decline almost 50 % over two decades, European Commission launches public debate on protecting Europe's forests against climate change, First Digital Map on Land Cover in Europe, Europe’s amphibians and reptiles under threat, Giraffen auf der Roten Liste der bedrohten Tierarten, Giraffe under threat – IUCN Red List, Study: Electricity consumption in Europe will shift under climate change, Mapping the sources and level of air pollution in Europe: Commission publishes new Air Quality Index and Atlas, IUCN Rote Liste: Ein Fünftel aller Farnarten in Europa ist bedroht

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